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CALL FOR ENTRIES: 16th annual Vancouver Island Short Film Festival Accepting Submissions for First-Ever Online Festival
VISFF 2021 Call for Entry Deadline June 1st
NEWS   |   May 3, 2021

The Vancouver Island Short Film Festival (VISFF) is joining film festivals around the globe by going virtual for its 16th annual showcase.

Filmmakers from Vancouver Island and around the world are invited to submit short films up to 15 minutes in length, including credits, the best of which will be screened during the festival weekend of July 23 and 24, 2021.

The event will be streamed live from Nanaimo. Audience members will be able to tune in and enjoy the show from anywhere in the world.

“The Festival has always been about connecting filmmakers and film lovers and we wanted to find a way to have a show that can continue that legacy while keeping everyone safe,” says Johnny Blakeborough, founder and President of the VISFF. “We are working with some really talented people to make this a very exciting and interactive event that will let us have more viewers than ever before.”

In addition to screening local and international short films, the festival will feature a virtual Q&A and discussion panel.

“The Vancouver Island Short Film Festival has had more than 1000 films submitted over the last 15 years and the films keep getting better,” said Blakeborough. “Last year we had an astonishing 200 films submitted from all over the world – we had so many great films that we had to double our normal program!”

Entries remain free for local filmmakers, and at least two festival spots will be reserved for films made on Vancouver Island. For all other filmmakers, the entry fee of $25 USD per film is in effect until the deadline on June 1st, 2021.

Films can be submitted through FilmFreeway at www.filmfreeway.com/visff. For more information, filmmakers are encouraged to visit www.visff.com or contact submissions@visff.com.

The 2021 Vancouver Island Short Film Festival is made possible by the support of the BC Arts Council


Media contact: Hilary Eastmure, Festival Director –  hilary@visff.com

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