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Program for VISFF 2021 – July 23 & 24 Online
BLOG   |   July 3, 2021

The Vancouver Island Short Film Festival is livestreaming two programs of short films online on Friday, July 23 and Saturday, July 24 at 7:00pm PDT. Each program features seven surprising and inspiring short films. The screenings will be hosted by an emcee and include live Q&As with the filmmakers. The Saturday event will end with the Awards Ceremony honouring the best films in six categories, selected by the 2021 Judging Committee. Tickets by donation grant access to the films online for three days following the live screenings.

The 14 features short films represent a diverse mix of comedies, dramas, animations, and documentaries from six countries, including Canada, the United States, Mexico, Iran, Japan and China.

Program 1: (Live screening Friday, July 23 at 7:00pm PDT via www.visff.com/show)

1. ALL-IN MADONNA Arnold Lim, Victoria, BC (Drama, 12:40)

2. SON OF THE WIND Evan Tsui, China (Magical-Realist Fantasy, 9:56)

3. IF I WERE PRESIDENT Andrea Arteaga Cote & Andrei Ramos Puerto, Mexico (Documentary, 8:05)

(Intermission & Filmmaker Q&A with films 1, 2 and 3)

4. FREEBIRD Michael Joseph McDonald & Joe Bluhm, Montreal, QC (Animation, 5:32)

5. EXCLUDED BY DESIGN Simon Madore & Gabriel Tougas, Toronto, ON (Documentary, 3:55)

6. RENT DO Gavin Michael Booth, Verdun, QC (Comedy, 14:51)

7. THE BLUE BED Alireza Kazemipour, Iran (Drama, 14:10)

(Filmmaker Q&A with films 4, 5, 6 & 7)

Program 2: (Live screening Saturday, July 24 at 7:00pm PDT via www.visff.com/show)

1. COOL AFFECTIONS Josh Terry-Brand, Victoria, BC (Comedy, 8:20)

2. BEFORE THE BEAUTY IS GONE Mackai Sharp, Comox, BC (Documentary, 13:58)

3. BABA Jay Kamal, Burnaby, BC (Drama, 14:30)

(Intermission & Filmmaker Q&A with films 1, 2 and 3)

4. UNSHELTERED Brian C O’Malley, United States (Animation, 6:21)

5. BARRIER Sohee Hong, Mill Bay, BC (Drama, 7:32)

6. OHRWURM (EARWIG) Connor Gaston & Vaughn Gaston, Victoria, BC (Drama/Surreal, 13:40)

7. GYORO GOES TO THE THEATRE Shoichi “David” Haruyama, Japan (Animation, 3:31)

(Filmmaker Q&A with films 4, 5, 6 & 7, followed by Awards Ceremony)

The 2021 Vancouver Island Short Film Festival was made possible thanks to a grant from the British Columbia Arts Council and Province of B.C, as well as local sponsorship by The OV Arts Centre, Nanaimo News Bulletin, Country Grocer, Johnston Franklin Bishop Lawyers, Shaw Spotlight, CHLY 101.7FM and Mambo Gourmet Pizza.

PLEASE NOTE: Films are not rated and some contain sexual content and violence. They may not be suitable for younger or all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.